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አገሬ in English

[ agerae ] 🔈

agerae, አገሬ

Answer: አገሬ means native

  • native
  • people of a particular country

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to አገሬ

What does አገሬ mean?

አገሬ means native.

How is አገሬ pronounced?

አገሬ is pronounced agerae

Words near አገሬ

አገረሸ አገረ ገዢ አገረ አገሣ አገመ

አገር አገበረ አገባ አገባብ አገናኘ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::