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ታኮ ጫማ in English

[ tako CHama ] 🔈

tako CHama, ታኮ ጫማ

Answer: ታኮ ጫማ means high heels

  • high heels
Part of Lessons in: Wearable Plural: ታኮ ጫማዎች

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ታኮ ጫማ

What does ታኮ ጫማ mean?

ታኮ ጫማ means high heels.

How is ታኮ ጫማ pronounced?

ታኮ ጫማ is pronounced tako CHama

Words near ታኮ ጫማ

ታህሳስ ታፋ ታፈገ ታፈነ ታጨ


የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::