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ጨፈረ in English

[ CHefere ] 🔈

CHefere, ጨፈረ

Answer: ጨፈረ means dance and sing

  • dance and sing

    Secondary definition:
  • assemble in a body

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ጨፈረ

What does ጨፈረ mean?

ጨፈረ means dance and sing.

How is ጨፈረ pronounced?

ጨፈረ is pronounced CHefere

Words near ጨፈረ

ጨፈለቀ ጨጓሬ ጨጓራ ጨው ጨው አለ ጨው የበዛበት

ጨፈነ ጨፌ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::