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ገዘፈ in English

[ gezefe ] 🔈

gezefe, ገዘፈ

Answer: ገዘፈ means be fat

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ገዘፈ

What does ገዘፈ mean?

ገዘፈ means be fat.

How is ገዘፈ pronounced?

ገዘፈ is pronounced gezefe

Words near ገዘፈ

ገዘገዘ ገዘተ ገውዝ ገንፎ ገንዳ

ገዛ ገዢ ገዥ ገደ ቢስ ገደለ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::