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ገበጣ in English

[ gebeTa ] 🔈

gebeTa, ገበጣ

Answer: ገበጣ means a game consisting of a board with a series of depressions and played with pebbles or beans

  • a game consisting of a board with a series of depressions and played with pebbles or beans
  • ethiopian traditional board game

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ገበጣ

What does ገበጣ mean?

ገበጣ means a game consisting of a board with a series of depressions and played with pebbles or beans.

How is ገበጣ pronounced?

ገበጣ is pronounced gebeTa

Words near ገበጣ

ገበያተኛ ገበያ ደራ ገበያ አቆመ ገበያ ተበተነ ገበያ ቆመ

ገቢ ገቢር ገባ ገባ አለ ገባር

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::