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ደጃፍ in English

[ dejaf ] 🔈

dejaf, ደጃፍ

Answer: ደጃፍ means front of house

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ደጃፍ

What does ደጃፍ mean?

ደጃፍ means front of house.

How is ደጃፍ pronounced?

ደጃፍ is pronounced dejaf

Words near ደጃፍ

ደጃዝማች ደጃች ደጀ ጠና ደደብ ደደቀ

ደጅ ደጅ ወጥ ደጅ ጠና ደገመ ደገሰ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::