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ዙፋኑን ወረሰ in English

[ zufanun werese ] 🔈

zufanun werese, ዙፋኑን ወረሰ

Answer: ዙፋኑን ወረሰ means succeed to the throne

  • succeed to the throne

+ Suggest a definition.

ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ዙፋኑን ወረሰ

  • አልጋውን ወረሰ

What does ዙፋኑን ወረሰ mean?

ዙፋኑን ወረሰ means succeed to the throne.

How is ዙፋኑን ወረሰ pronounced?

ዙፋኑን ወረሰ is pronounced zufanun werese

Words near ዙፋኑን ወረሰ

ዙኦሎጂ ዙር ዙሪያውን ዙሪያ


የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::