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አሟለጨ in English

[ amaleCHe ] 🔈

amaleCHe, አሟለጨ

Answer: አሟለጨ means slip from the hand

  • slip from the hand
  • escape
  • be slippery

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to አሟለጨ

What does አሟለጨ mean?

አሟለጨ means slip from the hand.

How is አሟለጨ pronounced?

አሟለጨ is pronounced amaleCHe

Words near አሟለጨ

አሞጠሞጠ አሞገሰ አሞኘ አሞት አሞቀ

አሟላ አሟሟ አሠለጠነ አሠልጣኝ አሠመረ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::