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ተጫነ in English

[ teCHane ] 🔈

teCHane, ተጫነ

Answer: ተጫነ means be loaded

  • be loaded
  • press a button
  • depress the gas pedal

+ Suggest a definition.

ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ተጫነ

What does ተጫነ mean?

ተጫነ means be loaded.

How is ተጫነ pronounced?

ተጫነ is pronounced teCHane

Words near ተጫነ

ተጫረተ ተጨናፈገ ተጨናነቀ ተጨነቀ ተጨባበጡ

ተጫወተ ተጫወተበት ተጫዋች ተጫዋችነት ተጫጫነ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::