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ተማጠነ in English

[ temaTene ] 🔈

temaTene, ተማጠነ

Answer: ተማጠነ means invoke protection

  • invoke protection
  • enter a plea of asylum
  • commit oneself to one's care
  • propitiate

+ Suggest a definition.

ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ተማጠነ

What does ተማጠነ mean?

ተማጠነ means invoke protection.

How is ተማጠነ pronounced?

ተማጠነ is pronounced temaTene

Words near ተማጠነ

ተማከረ ተማሪ ቤት ገባ ተማሪ ቤት ተማሪ ተማረከ

ተምር ተምሮ ማስተማር ተሞላ ተሞኘ ተሟሟ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::