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ምጽአት in English

[ mtsat ] 🔈

mtsat, ምጽአት

Answer: ምጽአት means Advent of Christ

  • Advent of Christ

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ምጽአት

What does ምጽአት mean?

ምጽአት means Advent of Christ.

How is ምጽአት pronounced?

ምጽአት is pronounced mtsat

Words near ምጽአት

ምጸት ምጸታዊ ትችት ምጥማጥ ምጥ ምጣድ

ምጽዋት ምግቦች

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::