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ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ in English

[ leAaqme adam derese ] 🔈

leAaqme adam derese, ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ

Answer: ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ means be of age

  • be of age
  • come of age

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ

What does ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ mean?

ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ means be of age .

How is ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ pronounced?

ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ is pronounced leAaqme adam derese

Words near ለዓቅመ አዳም ደረሰ

ለዓቅመ ሔዋን ደረሰች ለውጥ ለውዝ ለዋወጠ ለወጠ

ለዘለቄታው ለዘለዓለም ለዘበ ለዘብ ያለ ለዛ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::