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ለሚስት ደረሰ in English

[ lemeest derese ] 🔈

lemeest derese, ለሚስት ደረሰ

Answer: ለሚስት ደረሰ means he is old enough to have a wife

  • he is old enough to have a wife

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ለሚስት ደረሰ

What does ለሚስት ደረሰ mean?

ለሚስት ደረሰ means he is old enough to have a wife.

How is ለሚስት ደረሰ pronounced?

ለሚስት ደረሰ is pronounced lemeest derese

Words near ለሚስት ደረሰ

ለመጠ ለመደ ለመከላከል ለመነ ለመለመ

ለማ ለማንኛውም ለማኝ ለማዳ እንስሳ ለም

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::