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ኰረኰመ in English

[ kwerekweme ] 🔈

kwerekweme, ኰረኰመ

Answer: ኰረኰመ means hit on the head with the knuckles

  • hit on the head with the knuckles

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ተዛማጅ ቃላት / Related words to ኰረኰመ

What does ኰረኰመ mean?

ኰረኰመ means hit on the head with the knuckles.

How is ኰረኰመ pronounced?

ኰረኰመ is pronounced kwerekweme

Words near ኰረኰመ

ኰረት ኰረብት ኰረብታም ኰመጠጠ ኰለል አለ

ኰረኰረ ኰረኰንች ኰረፈ ኰራ ኰሰሰ

የሚጀምሩ ቃላት::

የሚያልቁ ቃላት::