There are 10 types of pronouns in the Amharic language, each can be used in place of specific nouns naming people, places and things.
English meaning | Amharic | Pronunciation |
I | ▶️እኔ | Ene |
You (male) | ▶️አንተ | Ante |
You (female) | ▶️አንቺ | Anchi |
You (formal) | ▶️እርስዎ | Erswo |
He | ▶️እሱ | Esu |
She | ▶️እሷ | Esua |
He/She (formal) | ▶️እሳቸው | Esachew |
We | ▶️ እኛ | Egna |
You (plural) | ▶️ እናንተ | Enante |
They | ▶️ እነሱ | Enesu |
I went to the store.
እኔ ወደ ሱቅ ሄጃለው::
If you weren't here, it would've been hard alone.
አንተ ባትኖር ይክብደኝ ነበር ብቻዬን::
You are my wife.
አንቺ የኔ ሚስት ነሽ::
I would like your advice. (Elderly)
የእርስዎን ምክር እፈልጋለው::
He studied hard but still failed the test.
እሱ ቢያጠናም አላለፈም ፈተናውን::
She went to her mother's house.
እሷ ሄዳለች ወደ እናቷ ቤት::
It's better if he/she rests. (Elderly)
እሳቸው ትንሽ እረፍት ቢያደርጉ መልካም ነው::
We were everywhere looking for you guys.
እናንተን ፍለጋ አገር ስንዞር ነበር::
We want to register for classes.
እኛ ለትምህርት መመዝገብ እንፈልጋለን::
Why don't they eat.
እነሱ ለምን እራት አይበሉም?