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Amharic Alphabets with Pictures ሀሁ

This page helps you learn and memorize each Amharic phonetic alphabets with the best fitting items, places and things that begin with that alphabet.

Keep in mind some letters that sound the same, such as the [አ,ዓ] [ሀ,ኃ,ሓ] families are repeated. In the cases where a letter does not have a suitable word to represent it (ex. ዬ) , a word which contains the letter at any position is chosen.

touch_app Click letter or picture to hear volume_up pronunciation.

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✏️ ይህኛው ክፍል ለ AmharicTeacher Pro አባሎች የተዘጋጀ ነው::

አካውንት ካሎት ሎጊን ያርጉ ወይም ለበለጠ መረጃ እዚህ ይጫኑ::