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Personal Pronouns in Amharic

There are 10 types of pronouns in the Amharic language, each can be used in place of specific nouns naming people, places and things.

English meaning Amharic Pronunciation
I ▶️እኔ Ene
You (male) ▶️አንተ Ante
You (female) ▶️አንቺ Anchi
You (formal) ▶️እርስዎ Erswo
He ▶️እሱ Esu
She ▶️እሷ Esua
He/She (formal) ▶️እሳቸው Esachew
We ▶️ እኛ Egna
You (plural) ▶️ እናንተ Enante
They ▶️ እነሱ Enesu

Here are examples using the personal pronouns.

I went to the store.

እኔ ወደ ሱቅ ሄጃለው::

If you weren't here, it would've been hard alone.
አንተ ባትኖር ይክብደኝ ነበር ብቻዬን::

You are my wife.
አንቺ የኔ ሚስት ነሽ::

I would like your advice. (Elderly)
የእርስዎን ምክር እፈልጋለው::

He studied hard but still failed the test.
እሱ ቢያጠናም አላለፈም ፈተናውን::

She went to her mother's house.
እሷ ሄዳለች ወደ እናቷ ቤት::

It's better if he/she rests. (Elderly)
እሳቸው ትንሽ እረፍት ቢያደርጉ መልካም ነው::

We were everywhere looking for you guys.
እናንተን ፍለጋ አገር ስንዞር ነበር::

We want to register for classes.
እኛ ለትምህርት መመዝገብ እንፈልጋለን::

Why don't they eat.
እነሱ ለምን እራት አይበሉም?